Buttermilk, Courtney, Gray, Finney, Cheops, Beefhide, Seance

Buttermilk Ridge (8,267ft), Courtney (8,392ft), Gray (8,082ft), Baldy (7,810ft), Finney (8,110ft), Cheops (8,270ft), Beefhide (8,030ft), Seance (8,067ft) 48 miles 14,500ft gain 12:15am – 10:15pm (22 hours moving) I had Saturday free to go for a hike, but needed to be back in town by Saturday night. I was excited to… Continue reading

Truck Summit, McClellan Butte South

Truck Summit (4,120ft), McClellan Butte South (5,045ft), Pt 4787, Pt 4701 October 19, 2019, 12:15pm – 8:15pm 18 miles, Eric Gilbertson This trip ended up ranking very high on the character-building scale, much higher than I anticipated. That was probably due to the 8 continuous hours of being soaked from… Continue reading

Apex, Pope, Wolframite, Bauerman Ridge, Arnold, and Horseshoe Mountains

Six Washington Top 200 Mountains car to car: Apex Mountain (8,297ft), The Pope/Chewuch (8,264ft), Wolframite Mountain (8,137ft), Bauerman Ridge (8,044ft), Arnold Peak (8,091ft), Horseshoe Mountain (7,956ft) October 12, 2019 Eric Gilbertson 59 miles, 11,000ft gain, 3:30am Saturday to 7:20am Sunday (28 hours moving) Trailhead – 3:30am Apex – 10:15am Pope… Continue reading

Andrew, Amos, Fred, Sheep, Two Point, Bauble, Skeptical, Fool Hen, Fool Hen SE

Nine Washington Top 200 Peaks in a weekend: Andrew (8,301ft), Amos (8,259ft), Fred (8,080ft), Sheep (8,274ft), Two Point (7,955ft), Bauble (8,025ft), Skeptical (7,949ft), Fool Hen (8,168ft), Fool Hen SE (8,055ft) Oct 5-6, 2019 Eric Gilbertson Saturday – 38 miles, 13,000ft gain, 4am – 10pm Sunday – 38 miles (31 hike,… Continue reading