Mt Defiance and Web Mtn

Mt Defiance (5,584ft), Web Mtn (5,335ft), Putrid Pete’s Peak (5,200ft)

The view on Putrid Pete’s Peak looking toward Web

Nov 13, 2021

11 miles

I had part of Saturday to get a hike in before the Bulgers party in the evening, so decided to do an I-90 hike with a short driving approach. I parked at exit 42 around 9am and hiked up the secret access trail to the Mt Defiance trailhead, which was packed with cars. I followed the main trail for a few minutes then cut off on a less-traveled trail that eventually made it up to Putrid Pete’s Peak.

This was a new peak for me, though I had tried it in April a few years ago but turned around in nasty weather. This time views were great of Rainier, Glacier, and surrounding peaks. I scrambled over to tag Web, then returned and followed the ridge crest towards Defiance. Once in the trees the snow got deep enough to put on gaiters.

I made it to Defiance a bit after noon, and saw one other set of boot prints. I continued the loop, dropping down to Mason Lake, where I saw a bunch of people. I then took the shortcut old abandoned trail directly down to the trailhead and then returned to my car in time to make it to the Bulgers party.

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