Taylor Mountain and Wright’s Reach

Taylor Mountain (2,600ft) and Wright’s Reach (2,030ft)

The view from Wright’s Reach

~15 miles

April 16, 2019

I had some time Tuesday morning so squeezed in a hike before work. I was planning to hike up South Tiger Mountain, but when I got close I saw there was active logging on the summit, with chain saw going and trees falling. That sounded dangerous, so I switched plans and instead hiked up Wright’s Reach, which had a great view on top.

Back at the car I still had some more time, so decided to also hike up nearby Taylor Mountain. I parked on the north side of highway 18 at the tiger summit lot, then darted across the road, cut through the woods, and met up with a gravel road. I followed the road all the way to the wooded summit. Wish I’d brought my mountain bike for that one. I jogged back down to the car and was back to Seattle soon after.

© 2019, egilbert@alum.mit.edu. All rights reserved.

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